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Lakulish Yoga and Lineage

   Everyone knows Yoga is more than just exercise, but few have a means of accessing the larger science. This is the purpose of a Temple. It takes the essential elements of a Temple to carry the full force of Yoga's energy.


   A Temple space provides an environment and opportunity for transformation. It will take more than a yoga studio to provide this. With our Teacher's help, we have established such a Temple here at the Divine Indwelling Lakulish Center! Such a place is rare in America. Very rare is it to find the traditional elements that the Science of Yoga deems essential - a Temple and a Teacher and Sacred Yogic Teachings.

   We are happy to offer a very rare and powerful Yoga as it has been experienced for millennia. Lakulish Yoga is an experience of Yoga in all its stages, unlike the modern version of yoga which relates with little more than physical exercise. Traditional Yoga has always been Ayurvedic in its theory and application. Ayurveda emphasizes a medical/therapeutic approach to the body and mind, and so too, Spirit. Ayurveda is re-emerging as a hugely popular medicine practiced by hundreds of millions of people all over the globe. Lakulish Yoga is the marriage of Ayurveda and Yoga. Together they heal, detoxify, strengthen, and energize us.

   Lakulish Yoga is the real deal. It is true to its ancient roots in a way that it is able to rejuvenate us and make life a joy worth living. It is based in science and it will always be relevant for all people in all times.

   Lakulish Yoga uses Ayurvedic and Yogic therapies to restore wholeness and rejuvenate us on all levels: physical, mental, emotional, and spiritual. Yes, especially spiritual. Lakulish Yoga is ultimately interested in enlisting the help of the Divine energy within us called Kundalini, to unite us with God. When this union is restored, we experience Love and Joy - the real things that make life worth living. Yoga's real purpose is still realizable today; to find freedom from Mind/Ego and discover the Higher Self.

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